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  • Sunday, January 05, 2025 5:11 PM | Anonymous

    To the Members of the Greater Washington Society of Clinical Social Work, I want to wish each and every one a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

    As we begin 2025, I reflect on the year that was. We gathered in 2024 to meet and mingle at several events, including the GWSCSW Membership Holiday Party on December 14 at Clyde’s of Chevy Chase, MD, the annual Legislation & Advocacy Brunch on October 20 at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Chevy Chase DC and the GWSCSW Happy Hour in September in Arlington VA. These are the start of what I anticipate will be many events where we continue to come together in person to catch up, network, and renew the bond of human kindness.

    Several awards were bestowed at the Holiday Party: Congratulations to Judy Ratliff recipient of the Fran Thomas Legislative Excellence Award and Nancy Harris recipient of the Nancy Harrington Above and Beyond Award, the establishment of a scholarship for MSW students honoring Margo Aronson was also announced at the Holiday Party. I want to extend a special Thank You to the Membership Committee for planning the Holiday Party and the Happy Hour, as well as the L&A Committee for planning the annual L&A Brunch.

    The New Year brings even more training and workshop opportunities for members, including a February workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Social Work featuring Frederic G. Reamer, PhD, and a planned workshop with Kenneth Hardy, PhD for the fall. We are also looking to hold workshops on Allyship, the First 3000 Hours, and Starting an Independent Practice. Please contact Ed Geraty, our Education Branch Director, for information on presenting a workshop. I would encourage you to check all the opportunities available to members, be it a workshop of interest, presenting a workshop, networking events or other opportunity to connect socially, or volunteering on one of our many committees — the sky’s the limit.

    In what is one of the most joyous times, it is no secret to any of us that the world is in a moment of global turmoil. During moments like these, we seek to find remedies in any and all ways that we know how. I again encourage everyone to practice some self-care and take time to do things and be with those that make us happy and whole. I ask that we remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. Remember that ours is a community of diverse backgrounds and differing world views shared in the professional endeavor of Social Work. Let us continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that ours is a Society for everyone.

    I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What could make the Clinical Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe some very helpful information will emerge from your feedback. What would be helpful? What would be enjoyable?

    I want to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    Thank You for your support of the Society!   
    Karla J. Abney, MSW, MSN, LMSW  

  • Monday, December 09, 2024 2:16 PM | Anonymous
  • Monday, June 10, 2024 3:44 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to the Summer of 2024!

    I bring greetings to our membership from myself and my co-President Steve Szopa. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of the Society and participation in the workshops, seminars, and Town Halls. The Education Committee continues to plan and hold interesting workshops for our membership, and anyone interested in providing training is encouraged to contact our Education Committee Chair, Ed Geraty. We are continuing in the completion of our Strategic Plan, and our work to become more outwardly facing to the membership, and increasing the atmosphere of inclusiveness to make all members feel welcome. We are continuing to collect data from the 2024 Membership Survey; please take a moment to complete it if you haven't already done so. This survey, the first we've done in recent years, will allow us to know our membership in order to develop programming and activities for all, and make a more welcoming Society.

    I want to give a Thank You to the Chair of the Social Justice Committee Rachel Keller for all the work she's done with her Committee as well as working with the DEI Consultant and the Communications Task Force. Rachel Thank You. I also want to give a Thank You to Erika Bugaj who headed our Community Branch, and the tremendous job she's done. Erika Thank You for your service. I also want to give a Thank You to Kate Rossier for the work she's done as overseeing the Low Cost Therapy Program for MSW students, and for being an advisor to the President. Kate Thank You for your service. 

    As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of social work, including:

    • Access to our vibrant listserv
    • Sponsoring continuing education events
    • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
    • Coordinating with our lobbyists on legislative issues of concern to social work
    • Offering our mentorship program
    • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students.

    As the current Board begins to transition, I want to encourage anyone interested in going the extra step in supporting the Society to think about volunteering to serve in one of the vacant or soon to vacant positions. Anyone interested in volunteering sometime, please let me know. 

    I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe helpful information will emerge from your feedback.

    As I end this note, I want us all to remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. I would also ask that we remember this in responding to our colleagues and their inquiries and comments. As always I want to continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    On behalf of myself and my co-President Steve Szopa,  Thank You for your support of myself and the Society!
    Karla Abney, GWSCSW President

  • Sunday, March 10, 2024 3:42 PM | Anonymous

    To the Members of the Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work,

    I want to extend my wishes for a Happy Social Work Month and as the seasons change from winter, Welcome to the Spring of 2024. 

    I want to thank everyone for their continued support of the Society and participation in the workshops, seminars, town halls, and membership events. The Education

    Committee continues to plan exciting and thought-provoking workshops, including Implicit Bias Training/Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice, in April, which satisfies training requirements for the MD Board of Social Work, and Clinical Practice with LGBTQ+ Patients: An Intersubjective Relational Approach in May. There are also plans to hold several in-person workshops and social events. 

    I want to send a Thank You to Gina Sangster for sponsoring a Member Meet-up: A Book Discussion on the Impact of Social Justice Issues on our work as Therapists, at her home on March 2. If you would like to do something similar, please let us know.

    As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of Social Work, including:

    • Access to our vibrant listserv
    • Sponsoring continuing education events
    • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
    • Coordinating with our lobbyists on legislative issues of concern to Social Work
    • Offering our mentorship program
    • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students.

    The Society is in year two of the current administration and will be holding elections in the coming months. Please watch your email for information on participating with the Nominating Committee, and the positions that will be up for reelection. As always, I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe helpful information will emerge from your responses. As I end this note, I want us all to remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. I would also ask that we remember this in responding to our colleagues and their inquiries and comments.

    As always, I want to continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    Thank you for your support of me and the Society!

    Karla Abney, GWSCSW President

  • Tuesday, January 02, 2024 5:20 PM | Anonymous

    To the Members of the Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work,

    During this holiday season, I want to extend wishes for a Happy Hanukkah, A Merry Christmas, A Happy Kwanzaa, and A Happy Bodhi Day. As we begin to look towards the New Year, I reflect on the year that was. Members gathered to meet and mingle at the Membership Cocktail Party on September 10. This was one of what I hope will be many events where we come together in person in 2024 to renew the bond of human kindness. The 2023 Legislation & Advocacy Brunch was held on September 9 at Maggiano’s Little Italy where attendees received an in-depth training on the Social Work Compact and answered the call to advocate for its passage by contacting their state legislators and Boards of Social Work. On October 7, the Social Justice and Education Branch presented speaker Candace Oglesby on Healing Racial Trauma. A Communications Workgroup was established to examine membership concerns related to transparency, and improved communication. The new year brings even more training and workshop opportunities for members, including the biennial ethics workshop featuring Frederic G. Reamer, PhD. The Society continues to move forward on the continuum of Anti-racism and Social Justice. I encourage everyone to take part in the events of next year, including two Town Hall meetings, and numerous training opportunities.  

     In what is one of the most joyous times of the year, it is no secret to any of us that the world is in a moment of global turmoil, we are all experiencing in some form. During moments like these, we seek to find remedies in any and all ways that we know how. I again encourage everyone to practice some self-care and take time to do things and be with those that make us happy and whole. I ask that we remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. Remember that ours is a community of diverse backgrounds sharing in the professional endeavor of Social Work. Let us continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that ours is a Society for everyone.

    Thank you for your support of me and the Society!
    Karla Abney, GWSCSW President

  • Friday, December 01, 2023 5:23 PM | Anonymous

    The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), as part of an initiative to promote licensure portability for military spouses, began working with the CSWA, NASW, state Boards of Social Work, and the Council of State Governments for the development of the Social Work Interstate Compact that would enable Social Workers to practice in all jurisdictions that have entered into the compact, giving members of our profession more license mobility.

    The Compact, which has been finalized, eliminates barriers to practice and increases access to care (especially in areas that are underserved, geographically isolated or lack specialty care) by increasing the efficiency of becoming licensed across state/jurisdictional lines. Currently, social workers must seek a separate license in each state/jurisdiction in which they wish to practice, which can be labor- and time-intensive.

    The Compact benefits include:

    • Facilitating interstate/jurisdictional teletherapy
    • Improving continuity of care when clients travel or relocate.
    • Encouraging cooperation among compact member states/jurisdictions in regulating the practice of social work
    • Preserving and strengthening state licensure systems.
    • Supporting military spouses and other social workers that may relocate to other jurisdictions by easing mobility of licensing.

    Who Can Use the Social Work Licensure Compact

    To qualify for an Interstate Compact Licensure a social worker who lives in a Compact member state must hold an active license in their home state in one of the following categories:

    • Bachelor's Social Worker (e.g., BSW)
    • Master's Social Worker (e.g., LMSW)
    • Clinical Social Worker (e.g., LCSW)

    How Does the Social Work Licensure Compact Work

    1. A Social Worker lives in State A, and wants to be able to work in any compact member state.
    2. State A has passed and signed the compact into law.
    3. At least 7 states have previously passed and signed the compact into law, and a Compact Commission has been formed and is functioning.
    4. Home state verifies that a Social Worker meets the Compact's requirements and issues the Interstate Compact license.
    5. The Social Worker can now practice in any other member state.

    There are currently eight professional Interstate Compacts, including the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) and the Advance Practice Nurse Compact (APRN Compact), the Counseling Interstate Compact (CIC), and the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT). The time has come for Social Work and our clients to reap the benefits of an Interstate Compact. Additional information about the Compact can be found at this linkYou may read the full Social Work Compact here.

    Lobbying state legislators has begun, with Missouri becoming the first state to pass the Social Work Licensure Compact. The benefits to Social Workers in the DMV would be immeasurable.

    We are asking our membership for their thoughts on ways forward. We ask that you contact the Legislation and Advocacy Branch to provide your comments on GWSCSW's lobbying and advocating to our local state/jurisdictional governments (i.e., the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia) to pass the legislation and join the Social Work Compact. Please include your state(s) of licensure and residence which will aid in our lobbying efforts for the Social Work Compact. Getting the Social Work Compact passed in the DMV will take an effort from all of us, whether calling your representatives, sending emails, or attending hearings. Let us know if you are willing to help in those efforts.

  • Wednesday, September 13, 2023 11:57 AM | Anonymous

    Welcome to the Fall of 2023, I hope you had a great Summer!

    I want to thank everyone for their continued support of the Society. The second of many Membership Town Halls was held on August 5, at which time the Society’s Needs Assessment was presented and discussed. The second half of the Town Hall provided an opportunity for participants to discuss and process thoughts and emotions surrounding the events leading to the resignation of the then President as well as any resulting fall out. I want to extend another thank you to Melanie Hood, our DEI consultant, for her skillful facilitation of our Town Hall which enabled and maintained a safe space for an open and honest conversation. As the Society moves forward from the events of last Fall, I encourage anyone still having thoughts and concerns to feel free to contact me. I will be happy to talk about any and all concerns.

    There are many member events planned for the Fall. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Membership Cocktail Party to be held on September 10, at Pinstripes in Bethesda. Be sure to register and attend. The 2023 Legislation & Advocacy Brunch will be held on September 9, at Maggiano"s Little Italy. Come and learn about how each of us can help to facilitate the passage of the Interstate Social Work Licensing Compact. The Education Committee has planned several interesting workshops for the upcoming Fall, including Healing Racial Trauma, A Buddhist Approach to Psychotherapy, and The Ethics of Intimacy: The Cost of Care Without Caring. Please check our website for upcoming educational programming. Members are encouraged to contact the Education Committee with any suggestions, or if they are interested in presenting a workshop. .

    As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of social work, including:

    • Furthering the cause of Social Justice and Anti-Racism
    • Access to our vibrant listserv
    • Sponsoring continuing education events
    • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
    • Offering our mentorship program
    • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students.

    I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe helpful information will emerge from your feedback. What would be helpful? What would be enjoyable?

    As I end this note, I would like us all to remember our mission as social workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. I would also ask that we remember this in responding to our colleagues and their inquiries and comments.

    As always, I want to continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    Thank you for your support of me and the Society!
    Karla Abney, GWSCSW President

  • Thursday, June 08, 2023 5:04 PM | Anonymous

    I want to wish everyone a Happy Spring and Welcome to the Summer of 2023!

    It has been a busy year for the Society. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of the Society and participation in the workshops, seminars, and the Members Town Hall held April 22, 2023. The Education Committee is in the process of planning interesting workshops for the upcoming fall, including an Anti-Racism workshop tentatively titled Anti-Racism for Social Workers: Healing Racial Trauma. Planning is also underway for the Members Cocktail Party to be held in early fall, so please watch your email for its announcement.

    The Members Town Hall was successful in that it provided a forum for open and honest dialogue between the members and the Board. This was the first of what I hope are one Members Town Hall to be held at least once per quarter, so if you missed the first, there will be others. I would like to extend a thank you to Melanie Hood-Wilson, our DEI consultant for her skillful facilitation of our Town Hall, which enabled and maintained a safe space for an open and honest conversation. Melanie is completing the first phase of the Society Needs Assessment, with members speaking with her individually and answering a survey. Once compiled, the next steps are for dissemination and discussion of next steps with members. Please look for this in the next quarter. Melanie will continue working with the Society on the needs assessment and creating a strategic plan for the Society.

    As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of social work, including:

    • Access to our vibrant listserv
    • Sponsoring continuing education events
    • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
    • Coordinating with our lobbyists on legislative issues of concern to social work
    • Offering our mentorship program
    • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students.

    I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe helpful information will emerge from your feedback.

    As I end this note, I want us all to remember our mission as Social Workers, and the benefits we provide to our clients and others with our knowledge and humanity. I would also ask that we remember this in responding to our colleagues and their inquiries and comments.

    As always I want to continue to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    Thank you for your support of me and the Society!
    Karla Abney, GWSCSW President

  • Saturday, April 01, 2023 5:03 PM | Anonymous

    To the Members of the Greater Washington Society of Clinical Social Work,

    I want to wish each and every one a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

    As 2023 begins full of hope and promise, so are we, your Board of Directors. As the Society moves forward on the anti-racism continuum, we are excited to let you know that we are interviewing a very promising and well-respected DEI Consultant to perform a Society needs assessment and assist us in creating a strategic plan for the Society. The consultant will also facilitate our first Society Town Hall Meeting, slated for March of this year. Additional details will be available once our consultant is hired.

    I would encourage you to check all the opportunities available to members, be it a workshop of interest, a networking event or other opportunity to connect socially, or volunteering on one of our many committees — the sky’s the limit.

    As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of social work, including:

    • Access to our vibrant listserv
    • Sponsoring continuing education events
    • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
    • Coordinating with our lobbyists on legislative issues of concern to social work
    • Offering our mentorship program
    • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students

    I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe some very helpful information will emerge from your feedback. What would be helpful? What would be enjoyable?

    I would like to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    Thank You for your support of the Society!

  • Monday, January 09, 2023 11:57 AM | Anonymous

    To the Members of the Greater Washington Society of Clinical Social Work,

    I want to wish each and every one a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

    As 2023 begins full of hope and promise, so are we, your Board of Directors. As the Society moves forward on the anti-racism continuum, we are excited to let you know that we are interviewing a very promising and well-respected DEI Consultant to perform a Society needs assessment and assist us in creating a strategic plan for the Society. The consultant will also facilitate our first Society Town Hall Meeting, slated for March of this year. Additional details will be available once our consultant is hired.

    I would encourage you to check all the opportunities available to members, be it a workshop of interest, a networking event or other opportunity to connect socially, or volunteering on one of our many committees — the sky’s the limit.

    As always, the Society continues our mission to advance the field of social work, including:

    • Access to our vibrant listserv
    • Sponsoring continuing education events
    • Continuing our legislation and advocacy work
    • Coordinating with our lobbyists on legislative issues of concern to social work
    • Offering our mentorship program
    • Providing low-cost therapy for MSW students

    I continue to welcome and encourage your feedback. What would make the Society more inviting and appealing to you? Of course, not every suggestion can be enacted, but I believe some very helpful information will emerge from your feedback. What would be helpful? What would be enjoyable?

    I would like to foster a feeling of connection and the sense that this is a Society for everyone.

    Thank You for your support of the Society!

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