Please join us for our 2021 Legislation
and Advocacy Luncheon-Virtual Event!
Adjustment, Coping and Adaptation: Transitioning to our New Reality
Saturday, October 30, 2021, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM EST
FREE CATEGORY 1 | 2 CEUs FOR MEMBERS! If you are not a member JOIN TODAY to join us (Non-member price for this event is $60)
Registration is a free benefit to our members, but you must register to attend. TWO (2) CATEGORY 1 CEUs (FREE TO MEMBERS). We look forward to seeing you there!
Our Society needs YOU to help us advocate and impact legislators in many different ways, or our messages simply will not get out.
We will look at the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the laws and regulations that impact our delivery of services and our clients. What have we needed to do differently? What needs to stay the same? What still needs to be advocated for? Examining how our advocacy can impact both our clients and our professional well-being will help us become more effective communicators to influence both the public and legislators about the importance of the services we provide during the mental health crisis currently facing our country.
We will hear from Pam Metz Kasemeyer, JD, Maryland Lobbyist; Sue Rowland, Virginia lobbyist; Margot Aronson, LICSW and Adele Natter, LICSW, LCSW-C, legislative Co-Chairs for DC; Judy Ratliff, LCSW, and Wayne Martin, Virginia Legislative Co-Chairs; Judy Gallant, LCSW-C, Maryland Chair and Director of Legislation and Advocacy. Special Guest: Laura W. Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice, Seattle, Washington.
Registration is a free benefit to our members, but you must register to attend. TWO (2) CATEGORY 1 CEUs (FREE TO MEMBERS). We look forward to seeing you there! Our Society needs YOU to help us advocate and impact legislators in many different ways, or our messages simply will not get out.